Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Damn I love Gaza, but the muslims dying.

Their death toll rising, and they keep on fighting.

They say they love to help them, but they never trying.

You voted for Obama, but he's with the drama.

Supporting the Israelis after they attacked Gaza.

But what are the muslim countries doing.

Watching their muslim brothers and sisters suffering.

They got the love inside them, but their brain keeps buffering.

Them Jews got fucked by Hitler, so they take on Palestine.

Crazed by the holocaust, their action is not a state of mind.

From Israel to Palestine, they locomotion.

Leaving Palestinians running while in motion.

You make prayers, but leave donations out.

When Muslims are dying, how can you have doubt.

All scared to aid them, we just watch them faded.

And they killed by the same people you hated.

The killings aint temporary, they are tensions.

Go on social networks, see a thousand mentions.

Love is not enough; Not when Gaza is full of graves.

Watching them on T.V., Gaza is full of braves.

Firing back with tank shots when they hit you with rocks.

Ceasefires got corpses filling Palestine's blocks.

As much as I love Gaza, this love expiring.

Hurt with every visual seeing the Israelis firing.

Shout out to Gaza, they never gave up.

Justice will come when the angels blow that trump.

Palestine's wondering where's the donation.

Asking for donations, assuming it's vexation.

Lives at stake when you donating with hesitation.

Trouble all 'round the world reming us that resurrection day is near.

You Israelis will be begging when Judgment Day is here.

Keeping their hopes up, cuz god is all they fear.

For one Jew that's wounded, they kill thousands.

Oh people of Palestine, they've restricted you with curfew.

Showing resistance among the Jews.

Doing more killings as innocent souls flew.

Attacking you at night, Leaving no time for you to sleep.
Palestine is hurt, its wounds very deep.

Through all the pain, you will make it through alive.

I will strive to help you survive.

Israel has killed Palestine's majority.

But freeing Palestine will always be a top priority.

Even though they've destroyed buildings and plazas.

Our love will remain endless for Gaza.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


All we tried to do was spread it.

With knowledge and a holy book set.

Instead it's the back-biting that we get.

A whole religion, how can it be denied?

We offered missionaries, and we never lied.

With no evidence, you claim the religion as being wrong.

We tell them about a day and a punishment very long.

They think all this worshipping is pretend.

Taking advice from a heathen friend.

And at the Day of Judgment, a belief that won't defend.

When informed, some people interested while others feel annoyed.

A key to heaven that you avoid.

And some people when converted get emotional.

We just inform, but some people take it personal.

We are praying while others are earning pain.

And at the Day of Judgment, they beg and complain.

Look at their intentions, the sins they contain.

They play with religion like life is a game.

They don't comprehend the fact that they're to blame.

Their denial is what keeps us far from same.

There is still time, don't break your hope.

Turn to Allah, and hold tight on his rope.

With this religion, show pride.

Put yourself on a successfull guide.

Set higher goals that you'll later achieve.

A religion of peace; a religion to believe.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A place that will wipe my bad deeds away.

Mountains so beautifull, they make me want to stay.

A mosque that carries the Black Stone.

Only to god, I pilgrimage alone.

A place so peacefull that I would call home.

Climbing the mountains, never looking down.

While making Hajj, you'll never see me frown.

During Hajj, I stay out of town.

Keeping myself inside the Kaaba, walking around.

As long as I'm in Mecca, I'll never drown.

I put my hands on the Kaaba, and start beging Allah.

Then I visit the grave of رسول الله.

Couple of miles from here comes Medina.

Prophet prayed for this city of المؤمنين( Al-Mu'minin).

Pilgrimage might be tiring, but it's important.

The people that pilgrimage are the most intelligent.

Nowadays, people focus on the price.

They never turn to Allah and his advice.

And in the afterlife, they want to enter a place very nice.

The one who puts his face near the black stone clears his sight.

Gets blessings and knows what's right.

Hajj(Pilgrimage) is important and might not be mandatory.

Don't focus on the price, Look upon glory.

It fills in the last pillar of the religion.

It might not be mandatory, but it's your decision.

I look around seeing thousands of people.

الحمدلله( Praise be to Allah) we're all equal.

We all gather to worship the one and only.

Then, we come back home to tell the story.

I recommend every Muslim to pilgrimage at least one.

It's a beautifull place that makes you stay for months.

Continue pilgrimage although people might be tons.

People feel sad when they have to leave.

During pilgrimage, god knows your intention.

Wheter it's real or for attention.

Of all the places America, Africa,etc.

This pilgrimage always takes place in Mecca.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Hey Qur'an, I want to memorize you.

Having you in my heart is a value.

I also want my parents dressed at the Day of Judgment.

Their more important than than this world's enlightment.

At the Day of Judgment, you're my witness.

And you're the cure to every sickness.

When I'm reading you, I'm far from الشيطان ( Saitan).

As long as I have you, I'm far from حرام ( Haram).

Every page I memorize, I build my eman.

You warn me about the Day of Ressurection as I read every section. I look up to god as I seek Protection.

At the Day of Judgement, as I read you, I climb up the stairs.

We all naked, but no one cares. We're seperated into pairs.

I hope I pass the bridge successfully.

I don'twant to experience it painfully.

Finishing the Qur'an is my goal.

It's one of the things that will save my soal.

We all scared and don't want to sink.

This is the time and we should all think.

When you're in hell, there is no other drink.

It's your melted flesh that you will pick.

There is no other choice and it does sound sick.

Let's take some time to beg Allah.

Let's respect Allah's words.

He will save you from the evil roads.

The Qur'an is a key to heaven.

And to الشيطان ( Saitan) it's a weapon.

When you think about the Qur'an, you think about the creator.

As long as I memorize you, I will never reach failure.

Like many good Muslims, I want to be a missionary.

The conversion of many people and the Qur'an that I carry.

Soon, the Qur'an will be in my head like a dictionary.

Impressing people is not the reson.

When I hear the Qur'an, I hear for memorization.

The Qur'an is a blessing. As long as I have you, There is no need for stressing.

Writing poetry is hard. Finishing the Qur'an is something I look toward.

As I read, my depression lowered.

Seeing Allah is my dream and I'll finish the Qur'an as hard as it may seem.

The Qur'an has emotion. It is a direction.

I want to convert people and see how they feel.

Happy as a Muslim and appealed.

Qur'an you're my guidance. You never encourage violence.

For Qur'an, I'll never stop.

I'll never put down that كتاب (Book).

I may be afraid of death, but the Qur'an is always on my side.

At the Day of Judgment, you won't hide. You'll just guide.

I want to go to mosques and do conversion.

All Muslim, no segregation.

Let's unite and destroy الشيطان ( Saitan).

Let's be in heaven because of the Qur'an.

Prophet Muhammad

You never lied, you never stealed.

Your trustworthiness that everyone feeled.

Praying while others slept. Reciting the Qur'an that you kept.

Brought down to teach us Islam not knowing how to start.

We took what you taught us and engraved it in our hearts.

The day you were here, it was very light, and when you were gone, it was very dark.

You came through all of this to make us say: لا إله إلا الله محمدا رسول الله There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is his messenger.

You are the most beloved, you're our prophet. Your name was Muhammad. Peace and blessing be apon you.

You warned us from the hellfire, you fought the evil empires. When asked you never said no. If only I could see your face. Islam is like a test we're trying to ace as we try to keep our pace.

Not knowing how to read and write, he still managed to find success.

What more can we say than : لا إله إلا الله محمدا رسول الله There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is his messenger.

You are the most beloved. You're our prophet. Your name was Muhammad. Peace and blessings be upon you.

He was taken to see paradise and the hellfire.

He told us how he cried more than he laughed.

The day of ressurection, there will be no protection but your deeds.

Plant them like seeds and see how much they grow.

At the day of Judgment, they will show.

How can I deny the religion? I have no suspicion. Only one commitment to believe in one god.

If it weren't for you, what would we do?

There is nothing that you hid. Nothing you stole as a kid.

You're a prophet. You're very gifted. As you traveled, look at the directions Islam has shifted.

On your back was the religion you lifted.

Now that Islam has spread, that weight decreased.

Non-believers revoking Islam as their very diseased.

Don't be sad, be glad.

The Quraysh are blown and Islam is shown.

There is no regression. Practice of conviction.

Just our beloved prophet.

His name was محمد( Muhammad).

Monday, December 19, 2011


A heart is required in order to donate.

If it's covered, that donation can't rotate.

People dying as the donation arrives late.

This is critical, it can't wait.

Is it their fault, they can't feed their children?

Is it them that caused the famine?

Some people laughing thinking it's a joke.

You're heartless, one day you'll be revoked.

Is this donation enough? this is tough.

When you donate, do you think about people?

Do you donate to every individual?

Think about how the prophet was generous.

How he prayed and the way he dressed.

At the day of judgement, god will ask you about your wealth.

About how you cared for your parents health.

How you spent every dollar? And to donation did you even bother?

You will not die with your profit. You will not lie, you'll admit.

When asked, did you act selfish? Did you spend on every wish?

How can you donate without the intention? Look at the religion and the relation.

What if you took their place?

How would you solve what you'd face?

Let's show mercy.

Donation is part of the 5 pillars of Islam.

Explained in the Qur'an.

Be open hearted and donate.

Let your heart generate.

With your iman, there is no need for discrimination.

All of this comes from donation.


Hey Saitan, you hate Islam.

When I'm reading the Qur'an, you're trying to disturb me. You're by my bed.

I'm smarter and one step ahead.

Unlike my freinds who fle, you turned their iman dead.

I wake up for the morning prayer.

Listening to you is rare.

I never see your visual apearace.

When I read the Qur'an, you hear the sirens.

Stop with the nonsense.

At the day of Judgment, you'll face the consequences.

Keep trying, you aint converting me.

How can I be outsmarted? you're dirty.

I won't be outsmarted think again.

Unlike my brain, yours is plain.

Look at the evil plans that they contain.

Outsmarting you is my aim.

As long as I'm with god, we won't be the same.

you getting uglier by the minute.

My good deeds so high, they infinite.

I keep working, aint no limit.

Aint no way I'm going to hell with you.

You're spread like a flu.

You revoked to bow for Adam.

Look at all these heathens, you got them.

And they sinking, sinking, sinking to the bottom.

This isn't old, it's modern.

Saitan, you're a disgrace.

Working hard as you keep your pace.

A problem that Islam will ace.

I came to this world to worship Allah.

And all the muslims to gather.

Let's keep memorizing the Qur'an.

Soon, we'll outsmart Saitan.