Saturday, January 14, 2012


All we tried to do was spread it.

With knowledge and a holy book set.

Instead it's the back-biting that we get.

A whole religion, how can it be denied?

We offered missionaries, and we never lied.

With no evidence, you claim the religion as being wrong.

We tell them about a day and a punishment very long.

They think all this worshipping is pretend.

Taking advice from a heathen friend.

And at the Day of Judgment, a belief that won't defend.

When informed, some people interested while others feel annoyed.

A key to heaven that you avoid.

And some people when converted get emotional.

We just inform, but some people take it personal.

We are praying while others are earning pain.

And at the Day of Judgment, they beg and complain.

Look at their intentions, the sins they contain.

They play with religion like life is a game.

They don't comprehend the fact that they're to blame.

Their denial is what keeps us far from same.

There is still time, don't break your hope.

Turn to Allah, and hold tight on his rope.

With this religion, show pride.

Put yourself on a successfull guide.

Set higher goals that you'll later achieve.

A religion of peace; a religion to believe.

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